Orthopedics Istanbul Doctors



Expert Orthopedics and Traumatology Doctors


Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Baydar, M.D.

Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Baydar, M.D.

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Op. Dr. w/PhD Yakup Alpay, M.D.

Op. Dr. w/PhD Yakup Alpay, M.D.

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Op. Dr. Ahmet Danacı, M.D.

Op. Dr. Ahmet Danacı, M.D.

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Op. Dr. Atakan Ezici, M.D.

Op. Dr. Atakan Ezici, M.D.

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Who is an Orthopedic Doctor?

An orthopedic doctor is a medical doctor who specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology after completing his medical education and received a diploma of specialization in this field. It deals with diseases related to the lower and upper extremities and spine. It also treats bone diseases, muscle diseases, joint disorders and damage caused by trauma to these organs. Obtaining the title of orthopedic doctor specialist is the result of 5 years of training.


Who is the Best Orthopedic Doctor?

Performing detailed examination; He is the doctor who gives detailed information to the patient during the diagnosis and treatment process. The best orthopedic doctor has a low complication rate. When there is a complication, it is the doctor who explains the situation to the patient and can manage the complication. The Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology is making new advances in treatments every day in the light of science and technology. The best orthopedic doctor is the one who can follow the developments in the world and offer the most up-to-date treatment options to his patient. It follows developments in scientific meetings and also contributes to science through academic publications.


What Diseases Does an Orthopedic Doctor Treat?

The orthopedic doctor looks at the treatments of broken dislocation and other traumas, joint calcification, sports injuries, innate disability and congenital abnormalities, bone and soft tissue tumors and some spine disorders. The orthopedic doctor treats all diseases in the anatomical area from the anatomical zone and toes to the hip, from his fingers to length.


What are the Sub-branches of Orthopedic Doctor?

  • Arthroplasty
  • Arthroscopy and Sports Surgery
  • Spine Diseases
  • Hand Surgery and Microsurgery
  • Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors
  • Pediatric Orthopedics


How to Become an Orthopedic Specialist?

After high school, 6 years of medical education is completed and one becomes a medical doctor. General practitioners or medical graduates take the medical specialization exam. Department selection is made as a result of the specialization exam. Orthopedics and traumatology department is completed and graduated. The department of orthopedics and traumatology includes 5 years of education and a specialization thesis and exam at the end. During these 5 years, the medical doctor examines many orthopedic patients, provides training during the examination, and accompanies the surgeries of these patients. At the end of this 5-year period, you become an orthopedic specialist.


Does an Orthopedic Specialist Perform Surgery?

Orthopedic surgeon is a surgical branch. He is responsible for performing standard orthopedic surgeries, trauma surgery such as fracture and dislocation, and emergency interventions for some diseases. An orthopedic doctor can gain experience in some of the surgeries that interest him by performing more of them. For example, a doctor who constantly performs hip replacement can gain experience in hip replacement and perform many surgeries on this subject, including advanced revision surgeries.


Why go to the Orthopedics Department?

People go to an orthopedic doctor for consultation and examination on issues such as joint pain, trauma, muscle pain, and deformities of the extremities. The orthopedic doctor manages the treatment of these diseases. He performs medical treatment, organizes exercises and, if necessary, makes surgery planning and follows up the post-operative treatment process.


What is the Difference Between Orthopedics and Physical Therapy?

Of these two branches, orthopedics is a surgical branch that monitors the diseases of our limbs such as arms and legs. Physical therapy is an internal branch. For example, the physical therapy department organizes the non-surgical treatment of a patient with Carpal Tuner Syndrome. He tries to treat the disease without surgery with exercises and some physical therapy modalities. If the patient requires a surgical intervention, the orthopedic physician performs it. The physical therapy doctor also provides the necessary support to rehabilitate the patients operated on by the orthopedic doctor in the post-operative period and quickly return them to normal life.



The information on the site is for support purposes. It is not a substitute for the physician examining the patient for medical purposes and making a diagnosis.

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Last Update Date: 18-04-2024 13:10:45